Equality & Social Justice
“What Lessens One Of Us Lessens All Of Us.”
I do not know who that quote belongs to but I agree with it wholeheartedly. Any society that allows any part of their community to be discriminated against while other thrives, lessens our humanity. I fully believe that people have the right to be shown respect and to have opportunities for health, happiness and progression regardless of personal characteristics, such as their age, race, abilities, religion, gender and sexuality (where there is no active , illegal harm to others as a result of any of their beliefs/behaviour).
I have spent a lot of time writing about such things, both in terms of trying to educate people about current affairs, encouraging people to reflect on their own views and to promote empathy and compassion. This is something I view as fundamental to my core beliefs and will be something I continue to focus on in the future. I will also call for people to use whatever platforms they have available to stand up and be counted, to work towards positive change.