The World Needs More Purple People

Our world feels so polarised; there’s not always a whole heap of tolerance for seeing other people’s point of view. People are often too quick to judge, too quick to dismiss other people’s experiences .... and to be honest, that behaviour is pretty poor role modelling for our future generations. We can do better.

This book by Kristen Bell explains that we need more Purple People. Purple is a combination of Red and Blue and is, therefore, a colour that can unite, empower and create change. Purple people are willing to see the things we have in common with others and seek to understand (rather than dismiss or be fearful of) the things that set us apart. They use their voices to help other people and to accept everyone for who they are. They try to make a difference for both individuals, and for larger society. They have empathy and act with compassion.

This is the empowering message children need to hear from us today. This is the example we need to set them from today. It’s time to do better. On all fronts. I can’t recommend this book highly enough to reinforce that message.


The Invisible String