Go Find It Cards


Go Find It cards were created for outdoor play. They are scavenger cards to challenge children to find items with different sensory components when they are out and about. As well as developing their sensory awareness and attention to their environments, it can also be great conversation starters and lots of family fun games.

Whilst they are great for that, they can be used in the same way indoors - to find items around the house. Therapeutically, they can be helpful through focused sensory activities to really encourage children to be developing their sensory awareness and mind-body integration. They can also be used as mindfulness aids as engaging the senses is a core technique in anchoring and meditation techniques. They can also be helpful when constructing personalised visualisations with children.

There are two packs (Go Find It and Go Find It Too). There are 42 cards in each and they are made from good quality card.


The Bear Feelings Cards